Welcome to the Lavrov Lab

We are a research group in the department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Iowa State University. Our main research interests are the evolution of major groups of animals and their genomes.
We are particularly focused on marine non-bilaterian taxa, including Porifera (sponges), Cnidaria (corals, jellyfishes), and Ctenophora (comb jellies). While morphologically simple and moderately speciose, these groups harbor a large portion of animal genomic diversity that we are only now beginning to explore.

Our research can be divided into three major areas: 1) comparative genomics, the comparison of biological information derived from whole-genome sequences, 2) phylogenetics, the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms (aka Tree of Life), and 3) mito-nuclear coevolution – exploration of interdependence between changes in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. In our studies we combine field work, bench work, and computational analysis. Students in our group come are involved in several interdepartmental graduate programs, including Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Genetics and Genomics, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

We are always looking for new graduate and undergraduate students to join the team (more info) !

We are grateful for previous funding from Iowa State University, Human Frontiers Science Program, and the US National Science Foundation.


September 2024

Abdelraouf Dapour joined the lab as a rotation student. Welcome Raouf! July 2024

Dennis Lavrov and Jan Vicente had a successful collection trip to La Parguera, Puerto Rico

July 2024

Momin Ahmed and Dennis Lavrov presented at the SMBE meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

April 16, 2024

Olivia Lamb and Eric Qi presented their first year honors project at the ISU Annual Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression

March 20-22, 2024

Dennis Lavrov presented a talk "Exploring the connection between unusual mt-genome organization, peculiar population biology of calcaronean sponges, and mRNA editing in their mitochondria" at the Biology Across Scales Symposium at the Gulbenkian Insitute of Science in Oeiras, Portugal.

December 4, 2023

Along with the article we launched a website on Demosponge phylogeny based on mtDNA

December 4, 2023

After multi-years delay, our long-suffering manuscript on demosponge phylogeny and classification is now published in Plos One .

July 23-28, 2023

Ehsan Kayal and Dennis Lavrov presented at the SMBE meeting in Ferrara, Italy.

January 12-17, 2023

Mudith and Dennis participated in the Plant and Animal Genomics Conference in San Diego, CA and presented posters "The Draft Genome of the Pink Vase Sponge Niphates Digitalis and Evolution of Animal Mitochondrial Proteome" and "What can non-bilaterian animals tell us about mitochondrial biology and disease?"

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