Comprehensive overview of marine biology. Introduction to physical and chemical oceanography as it relates to the physiology of marine organisms and their survival and reproductive strategies. Examination of the biodiversity, richness and distribution of marine life.
Landmark papers in the development of genetics concepts. Papers are presented and discussions led by students, guided and mentored by the instructors. Instructors provide a broad overview and history of the development of fundamental concepts in genetics.
BCB546X, Biology Data Skills, will teach students the fundamental skills of data processing, management, and analysis that are essential for working with large data sets. The course will include modules on basic UNIX commands, scripting in Python and R, version control using Git and GitHub, use of high performance computing clusters and writing effective data management plans. The book “Bioinformatics Data Skills” by Vince Buffalo, part of the O’Reilly computational series, will be the primary text for the course. This will be a 3-credit course meeting twice a week for 1.5 hours. Topics will be taught in class using a combination of lectures and computational exercises.
EEOB563 is designed to introduce you to the theory and practice of phylogenetic analysis.
The course emphasizes a hands-on approach to molecular phylogenetics and combines lecture presentations with computer exercises and discussion of original scientific literature.